We're closing on the first week following the 2016 presidential election, and today feels just as surreal as day one. This seismic shift in the American political landscape has many people in my life searching for answers and grappling at solutions to address and dismantle the suddenly validated beliefs of misogynists, racists, anti-Semitics, xenophobes, homophobes, the vulgar and the cruel -- the worst of the worst in this nation. I, for one, grossly underestimated the sexism pervasive still among the American electorate. A dear friend told me she had the Venus symbol tattooed on her middle finger after an upsetting workplace experience. We decided to have a "Nasty Woman" shoot to help ourselves cope (even briefly) with this impending sense of dread and uncertainty. I am fortunate and humbled to be surrounded by a multitude of extraordinary individuals who show me daily that we are better than this and we can be better still.